Emergency Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions Midtown Manhattan

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Emergency Tooth Extractions in Midtown, NYC

Are you having severe tooth pain? If so, you likely need a tooth extraction to remediate the pain. Although extracting teeth is our last course of treatment, it is often inevitable if the tooth is severely infected or broken. At Midtown Dental Care, we provide thorough emergency tooth extraction services to any patients in the New York area.

What Is an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

An emergency tooth extraction involves permanently removing a tooth from a patient's mouth as soon as possible. When extracting a tooth, our aim is to have a painless and comfortable procedure for our patients. We use digital x-rays to determine the proper and safest way to remove teeth and ensure proper care to promote healing and prevent infection. Post-operative care following a tooth extraction is essential for healing and preventing complications. You will be instructed to avoid certain foods and also keep the surgical site clean at all times. A follow-up appointment may be necessary to remove stitches. Most patients recover completely from an emergency tooth extraction within two weeks.

Reasons for Emergency Tooth Extractions and Removals

There can be a number of reasons as to why a patient needs an emergency tooth extraction. In some instances, extraction is the only dental intervention that can be a solution to a problem. A few examples of this include:

Wisdom teeth. The average person will have four wisdom teeth. When an individual gets into their late teenage years, they may notice pain from these teeth. Therefore, they may be extracted due to pain or because they are "impacted" and pushing against the rest of the patient's teeth, moving them.

Decayed teeth. It is typical for decayed teeth to be extracted in order to make room for a dental implant.

Broken teeth. Have your teeth chipped or broken? If so, it is best to get these teeth extracted so that you can have a fully functioning, beautiful tooth replacement.

Overcrowding. If your teeth are overcrowded, one of the only solutions may be to remove an unnecessary tooth. This way, your teeth can shift and fit perfectly to create a beautiful smile.

Loose teeth. A loose tooth is bound to fall out, but occasionally, it needs to be pulled. We can remove a loose tooth quickly using the extraction process.

In preparation for orthodontic treatment. This may be because a patient is getting braces or Invisalign and they need to remove an unnecessary tooth that is causing overcrowding.

We're Here To Help

When it comes to emergency tooth extractions, trust the experienced professionals. At Midtown Dental Care, our staff is focused on delivering the best care as possible. If you need an emergency tooth extraction, give our office a call to learn more or schedule an appointment. We would love to lend a helping hand!

For more information about emergency tooth extractions or to schedule an appointment, call us at (212) 575-7740  or visit our   contact page.

Contact Us Today

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at (212) 575-7740  or click the button below to contact us online.


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